
Write for us

As independent media, we’re created by and for our readers. Our mission: to share real and authentic stories around the world, who entertain or give value to people.

Want to join in? Send us your article, photos, art, poetry or a favorite video you’ve seen recently. Please check some of our Content and get familiar with the used Style before we’ll consider your work.

Also, Spoiled-Mind isn’t a bulletin board. Rather, it’s a community, and we each need to do our part to get the good word (these articles) out beyond the choir. We ask that as part of publishing articles on, authors share their work to their communities through Social Media, Newsletters or mouth to mouth. If this is something you feel inspired by, we’d love to move forward. Please submit original work!

    Publish with NamePublish with PseudonymPublish Anonymously

    Title Picture (will be considered) *

    Bios should be no more than 1-4 sentences, including links. Written in the third person, bios should be a mix of professional and silly/personal.

    Bio Picture of you (Square Format)

    Have you been published by Spoiled-Mind before? *

    This is my first time submitting to Spoiled-Mind.I have submitted before, but have not been published at Spoiled-Mind.I have been published by Spoiled-Mind before (Please include the URL to your last published piece in the notes section below.)

    By submitting you certify this is your work, original, and any excerpts of other work are cited and Fair Use or public domain. By submitting you give Spoiled-Mind “use rights” in perpetuity. That’s a fancy word for “forever” You can use our edited and published article with credit and link in any publication that you own or control - i.e. your personal site or a gallery exhibition. You can re-publish your Spoiled-Mind article elsewhere online only if: 1) you change the text by 20%; 2) you significantly change the first paragraph; 3) you change your title meaningfully; and 4) you link back to where it initially appeared on Spoiled-Mind. If in print, you can publish our version with prominent credit if you ask for permission.