

Interview before having Sex Lola (Argentina)

    Lola is 21 years old and originally from Buenos Aires. She works as a freelance Web Designer and sings. Lola is not only beautiful but has a big heart and even bigger dreams. Starting with my two favorite questions Lola had a simple one-word answer for both questions. Hear the podcast to find… Read on

Interview with PhD student – Sexual Stigmas and Sexuality

    PhD Student in Sociology – Sexual Stigmas, Gender Roles and much more It is a pleasure to interview such a gifted and knowledgable women doing her PhD in Sociology. This podcast is very long (38 Minutes) but you can’t keep the topics in 10-15 Minutes. I also don’t want to spoil you with… Read on

Valuable Connections, How close you need to be?

    An interesting topic I got into after matching with a girl from Tinder, who lives in the US. But let me get there step be step. It starts with a normal match. I think it was Mexico, but at the end it doesn’t matter. She was not at the place anymore. I was… Read on

First Psychology, Philosophie and Sex Podcast Episodes

I published my first 3 Podcast Episodes. Honestly I pushed that out for soooo long that I am happy it is done and I am totally happy with the result. Sometimes it is hard to please myself with work or things I have done, because I am a kind of perfectionist. So I just didn’t… Read on

Raise and Fall in three nights with Ben

I had said I would wait a while before kissing. But here under rain drops innocent pecks turned into desires. My mouth found his and I forgot about my promises. Slowly using my tongue to draw out his mouth. I felt alive. It felt so good to just give in passionately. Why can’t we feel… Read on